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CUBE, is a device that uses the bioelectrical impedance technique (BIA).

The impedance is the electrical properties of tissues and its Measurement produces a set of parameters that are used to assess the body composition of our body. The bioelectrical impedance technique is a safe and non-invasive practice, which measures the resistance that the body opposes the passage of an alternating current, so soft as not to be perceived (about 800 micro amperes).
The basic principle is that not all tissues conduct electricity in the same way. There are indeed some tissues which act as excellent conductors and other poor conductors. The lean tissue, for example, are good conductors as rich fluid and therefore oppose a low resistance to the passage of current. The fatty tissues and bones which instead are poor conductors, as poor of fluids and electrolytes, oppose a strong resistance to current flow.
In the human body, the cell membranes behave as a capacitor; in fact, they are constituted by two highly conductive protein layers divided by an insulating lipid layer; such a structure, means that the membranes have the capacitive characteristics.

The electric capacity is a physical scalar quantity that measures the amount of electric charge accumulated by a capacitor in relation to the potential difference applied across its terminals. The unit of measurement of electrical capacity, in the International System of units of measurement is the farad.

Using these principles, CUBE is able to accurately detect certain parameters of our organism and to request surprising directions on our well-being, as the total amount of water in our organism (TBW), intracellular water (ICW), extracellular water (ECW), the cell mass (BCM), the extracellular mass (ECM), fat free mass (FFM), fat mass (FM), the exchange potassium sodium (Na / K), the index of body mass index (BMI), the cell mass index (BMCI), gives us the angle of phase (Pa), the reactance (Xc) and resistance (Rs), also provides us with an estimate of cardiovascular risk factors, the biotype and the projection of the ideal body composition.